
6月24日下午,2020“上海之帆”走进东盟经贸巡展暨国际服务贸易展示交易会宣介会在上海现代服务业联合会顺利召开。出席会议的嘉宾有上海现代服务业联合会会长郑惠强先生、上海现代服务业联合会副会长简大年先生、泰王国驻上海总领事馆总领事飒丝黎·丹绲拉女士、泰王国驻上海总领事馆商务领事庄艳兰女士、中国泰国商会资深顾问、正大集团副董事长罗家顺先生以及上海近40家各行业协会与企业代表。June 24, 2020 at 2 p.m.(Beijing Time), Promotion of 2020 Shanghai Fair - Going to the ASEAN and International Services Trade Show was held at Shanghai Services Federation. The purpose of the Promotion was to introduce Thailand's economic and trade investment environment and the current situation of trade in services between China and Thailand, and welcome Shanghai industry associations and enterprises to actively participate in 2020 Shanghai Fair - Going to the ASEAN held in Thailand and Singapore on December 8, 2020 and related online & offline activities.
